Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Nothing At All

MrJPatt - Nothing At All

First I'd like to say thanks to everyone who read and commented on my last post. I really appreciated it. Second I'd like to point out that to download the song you click the link UNDER the title. A few people had some problems with getting the music, but once you figure it out it's fairly simple. I added my name into the title of the song this time so as to make it easier to find.

So this is the second of many mp3 blogs that I will post. The name of this beat is "Nothing At All". For me music is an expression of life. If you listen to this beat, the music is THERE, but it's still empty. I was feeling devoid of all life today for some reason. I'm not sure why. Anyway, I came home and did what any tormented musician does. I made music about it.

A few hours after that a couple friends/artists that I'm working with came over to record. I played them the new beat and they were both in complete awe and wanted to record to it immediately. Unfortunately I had to go out to a show where a few other artists I'm working with were performing. The entire NY cinematic family was there as well as a bunch of other quasi-important industry people. I passed out a bunch of business cards and a couple beat CD's after which I ATTACKED the open bar. When the show was over, I got driven home by my completely wasted friend, who stopped in the middle of traffic and made me get in the front seat while screaming a the top of his lungs "I'M NOT A FUCKING TAXI!!" That was scary.

If any of you know who sean kingston is...He's in NY until Friday, and he's coming to my apartment tomorrow to listen to more of my beats. My boy, Milo, played him some of my stuff in L.A and from what he told me tonight he thinks I'm amazing. For those of you who don't know who sean kingston is, he's a 16 year old rap prodigy signed to Epic. Look for his CD to drop soon, and look for me to hopefully be on it.

That's all for now...enjoy the music...and PLEASE leave a comment...don't hit me up on AIM with your opinions....just leave them as comments. Thanks

-Mr JPatt

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Searching For A Dream

Searching For A Dream

So this is my very first MP3 blog. I started this because 3450937459328745345 people ask me why I don't send them music. Now you can check out my blog AND download whatever song I have attached to it! Since a REAL mp3 blog takes server space, and I'm broke, I have to do it through yousendit links. That means you have 2 weeks to check this blog out and get the music before it disappears. I guess if people like a song that much I'll re post it. Well, I don't really have much to say. The name of this beat is "Searching for a dream". I sampled the "Singers Unlimited" Anyone that's into jazz should DEFINITELY check them out because they are sick. I exited the pop/club phase and I'm back making music for the soul. Ive kinda been going through a lot with a bunch of different people, so anyone that knows me knows that music's always been an outlet for all my frustrations.

Anyways...enjoy the song....post some comments on it...I definitely need the feedback since I'm my own worst critic, so let me know what you think. Thanks
